"Nature's Emotion"

San Clemente is an experience of freshness and taste that springs from the peaks of Mount Tamaro to come to you in the most appropriate forms to be enjoyed with family, with friends and in all places, because water is life.


"Tradition & Taste"

San Clemente is part of a whole range of sodas with an intense and balanced flavor made from natural ingredients and no preservatives.

Icon San Clemente

Natural mineral water is
a gift of nature: it is life

Microbiologically Pure

San Clemente oligomineral water is of absolute bacteriological purity already at the source

Suitable for infant feeding

thanks to its high quality and absence of pollutants, this 'water is suitable for infant feeding.

Taste & Health

the low mineralization and composition of this water give a pure and fresh taste that goes well with multiple meals and wines.


its lightness helps in diets low in sodium and calcium


Quality and end product
are our why.

A project of a Ticino family that has been offering top-quality products such as San Clemente natural mineral water for over 35 years. Attention to detail and care for nature create a perfect balance that always offers exquisite drinks.


Discover our services

Door-to-door selling

Our company offers for the whole territory of Ticino Canton delivery of goods to your doorstep

Equipment Rental for Events

We offer infrastructure rental service for all kinds of events

Label Customization

We offer the possibility to customize our product label for third parties

Consulting and development of new beverages

We put our more than 30 years of experience in the field of mineral water at your disposal

Third Party Bottling

We cooperate with several international companies by offering contract bottling service


Latest news

San Clemente a fianco della compagnia Flavio Sala nelle loro esilaranti commedie dialettali
Nuove bottiglie di vetro - 1.0L, 0.50L, 0.33L